About us
L.A.S. Terra is short for the Leidsche Archaeological Study-association Terra. Throughout the year, we organise lots of activities like lectures, drinks, movie nights, trips and lots more. Besides that, we have our infamous Terra parties. Every year, we organise a weekend for the first year students. This year it will be held in the beginning of February, so keep an eye out for the promo! Terra has a slightly weird construction, since we have five different subgroups inside the association. These subgroups each represent different Archaeological areas. When you become a member of Terra, which you are for life, you will automatically become a member of the subgroups. This means, you don’t have to sign-up or pay anything extra to join their activities. You can also just choose if you want to go to activities or not, no strings attached. Since almost every Archaeology student is a member of Terra, it is a great way to get to know fellow students and even the staff, of which many have been active members in the past. You are always welcome to come see us in our office (room C0.08) for a nice chat, information about activities or just if you want to hang out with us.
Meet the board of 2023-2024